Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter: “Forgive Them …” (Part 1)

I suppose the most amazing thing Jesus said on the cross was, “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” It was the habit of most crucifixion victims to curse their executioners, curse those who watched, curse the world and curse God. The Roman, Ovid, said it was advisable to cut out the victim’s tongue before he was crucified so those watching would be spared the obnoxious noise of his screaming profanities. The Romans developed crucifixion to such an art that, in all of history, it remains the most horrible way for one to die. The victim had to push up with his feet on the wooden support block so he could breathe and relieve the pulling pain in his hands. Exhausted, he would hang again from his hands and suffer shortness of breath. It was a question of agony from pain in the feet or pain in the hands. In reality, a choice of death or death!

The thirst was unbearable. The heat of the summer sun or cold of the winter winds only increased the suffering. Left alone, it could take two or three days to die – sometimes longer. To speed things the executioners would sometimes break the victim’s legs with a staff. Death from suffocation would mercifully follow. The fact that Jesus asked forgiveness for those who nailed Him to the cross is a most staggering thought. Following Him must include that same attitude.

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