Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Bullet of Discipline: Words, So Many Words

Words, words, words, words! Millions of then are heard and spoken each day. Most of them, routine words of necessity. Some are essential words of education or business transactions. Many are useless words of complaint, error, criticism or hatred.

As I look back over my life … and as I have listened to other sensitive people, I have come to the conclusion that one of our bitterest mistakes in living is “poor tongue control.”

It’s not really the words we speak but what they reveal that accuses us. The Scripture is right when it proclaims, “The mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” (Luke 6:45) James 3:2 tells us that the person who can control his tongue is a perfect man! I’ve never seen one of those “critters!” Have you?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Worth Quoting: Christ in You

From In His Face by Bob Sorge

“Here’s the gospel message: God kills off your “old man,” and then starts all over by birthing you anew with incorruptible seed (1Peter 1:23). Now you have a whole new basis for looking at yourself. Now you’re a child of God!”

What a great truth! Grasp that and you are on the way to living the “Christ Life”!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Miracles Still Happen: One Happened to Me

Guest Blogger, Larry Floyd

All of our Lord’s MIRACLES began with a PROBLEM! We see a man who could not walk, one who could not see, a crowd that needed to be fed, a little girl who was sick, a dead man, and many others. All miracles began with a PROBLEM, something was wrong that only Jesus could change. And Jesus performed a miracle in each of these situations. Only Jesus could!

That all miracles begin with a problem is still true. Are you to the point that you have realized that SELF effort cannot give you a miracle? Your SELF cannot deliver you. You say, “O.K. God, I acknowledge that SELF cannot deliver me – cannot take this problem away – You do it for me.” Guess what the next step is? Not deliverance but PRESSURE!

“You mean I might NOT get delivered immediately like some of the other miracles in the past? That is exactly what may occur and it is for your own good if it does. Once this pressure comes, you begin to say, “Why me?” The answer is because your SELF cannot deliver you – only God can deliver you! (Psalm 37:39-40) He uses pressure to “squeeze you” … and you need to be squeezed if you are going to learn to trust Him!. Are you getting the picture yet?

How do you react to God’s pressure? Do you moan and groan? How about blaming God for your circumstances? How about ignoring God? “Why doesn’t God care about me anymore?” you may ask. These questions are dead ends unless they lead you to the next step that creates the miracle? There is a NEXT STEP? Yes, PRAYER!!

You must get on your knees and call upon the Lord – the only Deliverer you have. The only true Miracle Worker wants to show you His will. He will do so through the words of His Scripture. (John 5:22) “Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you.” (I Peter 5:7; see also Joshua 1:8 and Philippians 4:6-7) You must “eat them”, “meditate on them”, “desire them”, etc. Do you spend more hours in prayer and the Word or at the ball game or in front of the television set? Is it any wonder you don’t see miracles happen very often?

God does answer prayer – Miracles can and do happen and then comes PRAISE! Can praise come in the midst of pressure? The answer is YES, YES, YES! (Isaiah 41:10) When it does you are living the wonderful ABUNDANT LIFE that God wants you to live. (Galatians 2:20)

Crucified with Christ …., Die to self, Alive in Christ, Trust and Obey, Gave His own Son for you … Crown of thorns – Cross!

Why should you escape thorns and the Cross? Don’t be afraid – trust!

One day while sitting in an office, my vision immediately and totally went BLACK! Most people will never experience this shock to their lives, but, may I tell you, it is a very “scary” experience. Your first thought is – “This can’t be happening to me! It must be a mistake! It will pass in a moment and I’ll be fine.” It didn’t pass – my first step in a miracle occurred, the PROBLEM – “I can’t see!”

The fearful diagnosis of my problem was detached retinas. The ophthalmologist scheduled me for “belt and buckle” surgery. I’ll spare you the details but what mainly occurs is the surgeon puts a thread-like silicon belt around your eyeball and “squeezes” (PRESSURE) in order to reattach your retina. Right about now is when YOUR PRAYER LIST gets short and YOU are at the top of the list. Fear tries to set in but, “Do not fear but Trust.” (Isaiah 12:2)

I believe in the Great Physician! He also uses some physicians here on earth to aid Him when needed. This was one of these times.

Did I PRAISE Him during this ordeal? NO! Sad to say I discovered the principle of praise only after the experience. I certainly praise Him now for every day of sight.

Having experienced this miracle, I ask:

  • Why does it take us so long to experience the abundant life? (Romans 8:32; Philippians 4:19)
  • Could it be that we are too blinded by self and selfish interests?
  • Do you want a miracle to happen to you?
  • Do you want to be a miracle to others?

If so, remember the four P’s of abundant, miraculous living: PROBLEM, PRESSURE, PRAYER and PRAISE! How thankful I am that I have learned the power of these four Biblical truths, especially the power of PRAISE!

Larry Floyd is a 26 year resident of Fayetteville, AR, and is employed as a State Farm Insurance Agent. He, his wife Tanya and their three children grew up under the teaching of Pastor H.D. McCarty at University Baptist Church. Larry has an undergraduate degree from Ouachita Baptist University and a Masters degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served as a deacon, elder, Jr. High Sunday school director and interim minister of education while at UBC. He now has 20/20 vision and does not have to wear reading glasses. A miracle indeed!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Bullet of Mission: Spiritual Warriors

While this Bullet is addressed to men, it applies to all Believers – men, women, young, old, of every race and nation.

Part 2

We have an enemy who will not bargain, negotiate, or compromise his ultimate purpose to deceive and destroy us. Our only recourse is spiritual combat! There can be no secret peace treaties! No special deals! Appeasement will only magnify disaster. Every man, especially the Biblical man, is a target for destruction.

Commander Satan will orchestrate continual, major crises in a man’s life to blind his priorities. His demons will strike with hundreds of emotional “fiery darts” in order to sap the believer’s strength! We must choose to be Christ’s warrior or Satan’s slave! All other doors on this earth are closed!

The combat Christian must also consider it an honor to sacrifice his life for his Master. Our “divine wind” is the Holy Spirit given in power to the obedient disciple.

The biblical man views his entire life as one of combat. There are times of peace; there are furloughs; but he always returns to his post. He must consider death to his own desires (mental, emotional, or physical) to be irrelevant to his commitment to the mission!

Mission: Endure everything for the sake of God’s elect (2 Timothy 2:9-10)

Mission: Love your wife as Christ love the church. (Ephesians 5:25)

Mission: Bring every thought into obedience for Christ. (2Corinthians 10:5)

Mission: Build Christ’s church against the forces of evil. (Matthew 16:18)

Mission: Provoke not your children to wrath. (Ephesians 6:4)

Mission: Endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ. (2 Timothy 2:3)

Mission: Rejoice always. (Philippians 4:4)

Mission: Give absolute obedience to prove you love Him. (John 14:21)

Mission: You fill in the rest ___ there are many other combat mission to give evidence you are a Biblical man.

The “Grand Canyons” or our personal spiritual journeys can only be conquered by the man who is willing to die for his chief! We must have eagle hearts. “Christ died for us, and we are bound to die for our brothers.” (I John 3:16)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Bullet of Mission: Spiritual Warriors

While this Bullet is addressed to men, it applies to all Believers – men, women, young, old, of every race and nation.

Part 1

It shall forever amaze me that we men are so naïve (if not dense) about the dangers of living on planted earth! No doubt our eyes are blinded by the evil one. (II Corinthians 4:4) Our lives are continually at risk. There is a “force” seeking to diminish and decimate us. I’m not speaking of physical warfare, but of “spiritual combat”.

In my younger days I ignorantly assumed that suffering, sadness, and grief were unfortunate but avoidable! I marveled that the adults I knew were so foolish in managing their lives. As I grew older, I began to believe conflict and stress were inevitable but controllable. At least I was certain I would control mine! Yet in my older years, I see the truth for what it is. Pain and agony are inescapable but bearable.

Though many feel they are “bearing up” under life’s traumas, the majority simply hide behind defense mechanisms of which they themselves are unaware! Illusions and masks are tragically inadequate in a real war! The Biblical man has only one course of action open to him. He must take evil seriously and vow to engage in spiritual combat.

Dr. Larry Crabb, Christian psychologist and author, has observed that “Life is profoundly sad!” I concur. The Creator did not make it that way in the beginning. It was Adam and Eve’s listening and heeding the counsel of the “snake” that caused them and all mankind to embark upon that insane experiment of trying to be a man and a woman without God! The Fall was more hideous and terror-filled than our dull fleshly minds can imagine! Every agony, every hurt, every despair, every fear, every loneliness, every injustice in your life is ultimately a consequence of letting “the snake” tell you what to do!

Foolish men are still listening to his (Satan) lies! The objective of spiritual combat is to defeat “the father of lies.” (John 8:44) The beloved Apostle summarized the mission of the Master in I John 3:8 … “The Son of God appeared for the very purpose of destroying (breaking up, undoing) the works of the devil.” We share that mission?

Look for Part 2 of the Bullet on Thursday.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Bullet of Vision: Desire

Guest Blogger, R.A. Stites, Ventures staff

Both Dr. McCarty and I enjoy feeding the birds in our back yards. As with many other enthusiasts, we engage in an unending war with squirrels. Dr. McCarty likes to take the battle to the little pests but that is not always possible even though they are persistent in raiding his feeders, when his back is turned and sometimes to his face. One day this last summer I was telling him about a wonderful, new weapon in the war on squirrels, the Yankee Flipper squirrel proof feeder produced by the Drool Yankee Company. The Wild Bird Center in Fayetteville runs a video showing the remarkable flipping power of this innovative product. It is great fun to watch the furry little rodents fly through the air, becoming non-traditional flying squirrels. While I usually co-exist with these wily raiders, I could feel desire building to have one of these powerful weapons in MY back yard!

It is fine to fight the battle of the feeder in your back yard but there are more important battles in life. It is wise to be on the alert for new weapons or new uses of old weapons in the spiritual warfare we engage in daily. Have you desired some new advancement to your spiritual arsenal? I hope so. Desiring new insights, new understandings, new approaches to living the Christ Life will help you draw ever closer to the Savior. Those things we desire define our lives in significant ways. The Apostle Paul talks about being caught between two desires, to live for the people he loves and desires to see saved and to “depart and be with Christ.” (Phi. 1:23, 24) Have we caught the same great vision? Do we feel the demands of our calling and or love of Christ so strongly that we are torn between the two? If we began to understand what the Apostle was speaking of, we have begun to understand the power of the Christ Life – longing so much to be with Christ, like Christ that He alone is sufficient to keep us obedient to the mission He has assigned us!

Take a moment to do a Desire Inventory. Long ago, the Psalmist instructed us on the secret of obtaining our heart’s desires. It was to “Delight yourself in the Lord” (Psalm 37:4). If you focus on delighting in Christ, you will find the desires of your heart are, like the Apostle Paul’s, conformed to seeking Him and His kingdom. The desires of a heart delighted in God will provide powerful weapons for the Christ Life. If you desire purity, you will find it. If you desire wisdom, it will be given you. If you desire boldness, it will be granted. It would seem a long way from wanting a squirrel proof bird feeder to living the Christ Life but it is not so far after all – desire the weapons of the Spirit and you will seek them and be delighted with them just as the back yard birder is delighted with a bird feeder that creates disgruntled squirrels!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

How Adequate is Your God?

It would be amusing if it were not so pathetic – the ideas that people get about God.

  • Some view God as a celestial Batman eager to swoop down from heaven and clobber “bad guys.”
  • Others view Him as a stuffy “Judge of the Universe” waiting to sternly evaluate all who stand before Him. He sits with arms folded, daring anyone to ask Him for anything.
  • Still others identify God with religion. As religion is usually a “last resort” enterprise, God is viewed as running an “atmospheric flop house” for the dropouts of life.
  • Another view is the Puritan, holier-than-thou, naughty no-no God. He’s having a dull time in heaven, and it “bugs” Him when folks have fun (sin) on earth!
  • One must include the “Know it all” view. I know what’s best, and I’ll do it my way, regardless!
  • Another false view of God sees Him as the proprietor of hell. He’s invested a lot of money in this piece of real estate and will be terribly disappointed if a lot of folks don’t end up going there!
  • A final view, although there are many others, is the frantic view. God is nervously pacing the floors of heaven, wringing His hands in despair over the world condition. This is seeing God as a victim of situations too big to handle.

Like it or not, all of us will act out our view of God, or perfection, or greatness, or our ideal. First, we play God by assuming we can live independently of others … and even of God Himself. Second, we play God in the causal way we judge, berate, condemn and reject our fellow man. Although we deny it verbally, we act toward others as though we possess more perfect knowledge about their situations. Thirdly, we play God when we put ourselves at the center of our universe. We view ourselves as the whole and not simply a part of reality. Lastly, and most serious, we play God when we exalt ourselves in ignoring and/or rejecting the truth and authority of the true God.

Where does one get clued in on what God is really like? How does man find his place in this vast scheme of things and “plug in”? The answer for the Christ Believer is in Jesus, the only perfect Man who ever lived. His life defies imitation. It can be explained only in terms of a Lord from heaven! He blows men’s ideas of God to pieces! He is not vengeful, stuffy, dull, uncompassionate or worried. The God Jesus revealed is forgiving, free, exciting, loving and has everything under control. People experience hell in their lives because they are attempting to follow the god of their own making who is false and inadequate. Man’s insane experiment to try and be man without the God who created him is as foolish as trying to live a day without breathing.

Man’s pride continually projects him into the role of God – a part he can never play. He doesn’t possess the power or the script. Only God can be God. Come, let us be man … but God’s kind of man. This is the only realistic, healthy and positve choice open to all of us!

26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-28

Thursday, October 05, 2006

As Little Children

He (God) does not want me out on my own, trying to earn merit stars for him. He wants us, rather, to lean into him, walking with him as closely as possible. He is not so much interested in our doing as in our receiving from him. Jim Cymbala, Fresh Faith

This quote reminds me of the way I relate to my grandchildren. My first thought with them is not what they will do for me but how I can do for them and enjoy them where they are! How much more does the Father yearn for His children to come to Him in simple faith.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Bullet of Faith: Knowing God Will

One of my dearest friends in India is Bobby Gupta! I’ve know him and his family for almost forty years. Following is a thrilling reminder of prayer on the offensive!!

Rural India: Yadala Brahmayya was a practitioner of witchcraft and divination. He had his targets firmly in view, those Christians! An Indian village suffered from the witchcraft of Yadala. Death, sickness and loss fell upon it as the believers were attacked by their implacable enemy. Days passed and the church prayed regularly for Yadala. Still he sought to bring harm on the village.

The Lord prompted the Believers to pray all night for this man who hated them. The church met at 9:00 that evening. Time passed. In the small hours of the morning, a wild eyed and repentant Yadala burst into the church and fell face down and weeping. Confessions of his sins pored out of the witch. At first the church was stunned then rejoiced as they saw the resurrection power of the Lord work on their sworn enemy.

Having accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior, Yadala and a few of his new brothers returned to his house and threw away the idols and other trappings of sorcery. He was baptized “and his life is being transformed.” Yadala’s changed life and witness is touching his village with hope where he once brought a message of despair.

This story comes from an e-mail sent by Dr. Bobby Gupta, HBI Global Partners, relating it from a church planter he works with in the Indian countryside. We rational Americans may wonder at the reality of the witchcraft but our faith is strengthened when we realize that the Lord Jesus works in every culture, with every belief system and in the hearts of men half a world away to bring redemption.

Dr. Gupta tells the story to illustrate a statement he quotes, “Faith is not believing that God can, but it is knowing He will.” A church of Believers had faith to pray for an enemy and witnessed the miracle of redemption. What have you believed God about lately? Have you put your faith to work in prayer and service?

“Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.” James 2:18