The Bullet of
While this Bullet is addressed to men, it applies to all Believers – men, women, young, old, of every race and nation.
Part 1
In my younger days I ignorantly assumed that suffering, sadness, and grief were unfortunate but avoidable! I marveled that the adults I knew were so foolish in managing their lives. As I grew older, I began to believe conflict and stress were inevitable but controllable. At least I was certain I would control mine! Yet in my older years, I see the truth for what it is. Pain and agony are inescapable but bearable.
Though many feel they are “bearing up” under life’s traumas, the majority simply hide behind defense mechanisms of which they themselves are unaware! Illusions and masks are tragically inadequate in a real war! The Biblical man has only one course of action open to him. He must take evil seriously and vow to engage in spiritual combat.
Dr. Larry Crabb, Christian psychologist and author, has observed that “Life is profoundly sad!” I concur. The Creator did not make it that way in the beginning. It was Adam and Eve’s listening and heeding the counsel of the “snake” that caused them and all mankind to embark upon that insane experiment of trying to be a man and a woman without God! The Fall was more hideous and terror-filled than our dull fleshly minds can imagine! Every agony, every hurt, every despair, every fear, every loneliness, every injustice in your life is ultimately a consequence of letting “the snake” tell you what to do!
Foolish men are still listening to his (Satan) lies! The objective of spiritual combat is to defeat “the father of lies.” (John 8:44) The beloved Apostle summarized the mission of the Master in I John 3:8 … “The Son of God appeared for the very purpose of destroying (breaking up, undoing) the works of the devil.” We share that mission?
Look for Part 2 of the Bullet on Thursday.
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