Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Bullet of Faith: Knowing God Will

One of my dearest friends in India is Bobby Gupta! I’ve know him and his family for almost forty years. Following is a thrilling reminder of prayer on the offensive!!

Rural India: Yadala Brahmayya was a practitioner of witchcraft and divination. He had his targets firmly in view, those Christians! An Indian village suffered from the witchcraft of Yadala. Death, sickness and loss fell upon it as the believers were attacked by their implacable enemy. Days passed and the church prayed regularly for Yadala. Still he sought to bring harm on the village.

The Lord prompted the Believers to pray all night for this man who hated them. The church met at 9:00 that evening. Time passed. In the small hours of the morning, a wild eyed and repentant Yadala burst into the church and fell face down and weeping. Confessions of his sins pored out of the witch. At first the church was stunned then rejoiced as they saw the resurrection power of the Lord work on their sworn enemy.

Having accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior, Yadala and a few of his new brothers returned to his house and threw away the idols and other trappings of sorcery. He was baptized “and his life is being transformed.” Yadala’s changed life and witness is touching his village with hope where he once brought a message of despair.

This story comes from an e-mail sent by Dr. Bobby Gupta, HBI Global Partners, relating it from a church planter he works with in the Indian countryside. We rational Americans may wonder at the reality of the witchcraft but our faith is strengthened when we realize that the Lord Jesus works in every culture, with every belief system and in the hearts of men half a world away to bring redemption.

Dr. Gupta tells the story to illustrate a statement he quotes, “Faith is not believing that God can, but it is knowing He will.” A church of Believers had faith to pray for an enemy and witnessed the miracle of redemption. What have you believed God about lately? Have you put your faith to work in prayer and service?

“Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.” James 2:18

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that wonderful reminder! I enjoy getting your emails so much as they are encouraging. This one, like the others, constantly remind me of what I should be doing but haven't been (which is a good thing even though some might not see it like that). I have fallen away from church do to my busy life and just don't know where to start at again.
Anyway, thank you again for the encouraging words!!