Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Miracles Still Happen: One Happened to Me

Guest Blogger, Larry Floyd

All of our Lord’s MIRACLES began with a PROBLEM! We see a man who could not walk, one who could not see, a crowd that needed to be fed, a little girl who was sick, a dead man, and many others. All miracles began with a PROBLEM, something was wrong that only Jesus could change. And Jesus performed a miracle in each of these situations. Only Jesus could!

That all miracles begin with a problem is still true. Are you to the point that you have realized that SELF effort cannot give you a miracle? Your SELF cannot deliver you. You say, “O.K. God, I acknowledge that SELF cannot deliver me – cannot take this problem away – You do it for me.” Guess what the next step is? Not deliverance but PRESSURE!

“You mean I might NOT get delivered immediately like some of the other miracles in the past? That is exactly what may occur and it is for your own good if it does. Once this pressure comes, you begin to say, “Why me?” The answer is because your SELF cannot deliver you – only God can deliver you! (Psalm 37:39-40) He uses pressure to “squeeze you” … and you need to be squeezed if you are going to learn to trust Him!. Are you getting the picture yet?

How do you react to God’s pressure? Do you moan and groan? How about blaming God for your circumstances? How about ignoring God? “Why doesn’t God care about me anymore?” you may ask. These questions are dead ends unless they lead you to the next step that creates the miracle? There is a NEXT STEP? Yes, PRAYER!!

You must get on your knees and call upon the Lord – the only Deliverer you have. The only true Miracle Worker wants to show you His will. He will do so through the words of His Scripture. (John 5:22) “Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you.” (I Peter 5:7; see also Joshua 1:8 and Philippians 4:6-7) You must “eat them”, “meditate on them”, “desire them”, etc. Do you spend more hours in prayer and the Word or at the ball game or in front of the television set? Is it any wonder you don’t see miracles happen very often?

God does answer prayer – Miracles can and do happen and then comes PRAISE! Can praise come in the midst of pressure? The answer is YES, YES, YES! (Isaiah 41:10) When it does you are living the wonderful ABUNDANT LIFE that God wants you to live. (Galatians 2:20)

Crucified with Christ …., Die to self, Alive in Christ, Trust and Obey, Gave His own Son for you … Crown of thorns – Cross!

Why should you escape thorns and the Cross? Don’t be afraid – trust!

One day while sitting in an office, my vision immediately and totally went BLACK! Most people will never experience this shock to their lives, but, may I tell you, it is a very “scary” experience. Your first thought is – “This can’t be happening to me! It must be a mistake! It will pass in a moment and I’ll be fine.” It didn’t pass – my first step in a miracle occurred, the PROBLEM – “I can’t see!”

The fearful diagnosis of my problem was detached retinas. The ophthalmologist scheduled me for “belt and buckle” surgery. I’ll spare you the details but what mainly occurs is the surgeon puts a thread-like silicon belt around your eyeball and “squeezes” (PRESSURE) in order to reattach your retina. Right about now is when YOUR PRAYER LIST gets short and YOU are at the top of the list. Fear tries to set in but, “Do not fear but Trust.” (Isaiah 12:2)

I believe in the Great Physician! He also uses some physicians here on earth to aid Him when needed. This was one of these times.

Did I PRAISE Him during this ordeal? NO! Sad to say I discovered the principle of praise only after the experience. I certainly praise Him now for every day of sight.

Having experienced this miracle, I ask:

  • Why does it take us so long to experience the abundant life? (Romans 8:32; Philippians 4:19)
  • Could it be that we are too blinded by self and selfish interests?
  • Do you want a miracle to happen to you?
  • Do you want to be a miracle to others?

If so, remember the four P’s of abundant, miraculous living: PROBLEM, PRESSURE, PRAYER and PRAISE! How thankful I am that I have learned the power of these four Biblical truths, especially the power of PRAISE!

Larry Floyd is a 26 year resident of Fayetteville, AR, and is employed as a State Farm Insurance Agent. He, his wife Tanya and their three children grew up under the teaching of Pastor H.D. McCarty at University Baptist Church. Larry has an undergraduate degree from Ouachita Baptist University and a Masters degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served as a deacon, elder, Jr. High Sunday school director and interim minister of education while at UBC. He now has 20/20 vision and does not have to wear reading glasses. A miracle indeed!

1 comment:

TKB said...

What a great God story! Thanks for sharing it with us. By the way- I was friends with Kara at UBC! It is so awesome to hear how God is at work in your life!
Beth "Davidson" Burkhalter