Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Bullet of Love: Constancy Counts

I want to share a brief thought with you on the Biblical concept that “love never fails.” If we could learn to love, we could conquer all things. Of course, this is why Jesus Christ came … to give us the power to love as He loved through the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Christian life is impossible without the indwelling power of Christ Himself. That power comes to us only when we yield ourselves and are ready to accept the Truth about God, about reality, about others and about ourselves.

The joy and power of love was brought home to me recently when it dawned on me that the more people I loved the more my joy would be multiplied. If you truly love a person, then you are not jealous and whatever good things might happen to him (or her) also happens to you! Most of us are resentful or jealous when good and great things happen to other people. In fact, it’s human nature to play them down and play our good things up. However, if you really love, you not only rejoice in the good things that happen to the loved person but, actually, experience the benefits of their good fortune in your own life

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