Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Bullet of Faith: The Three Things Required

The word “faith” is not a simple word. Witness the confusion, the poor definitions and the inability of thousands to get hold of it. The greatest insight I have ever gained on this powerful little word is that faith is a combination of three things … a belief with the head, a trust with the heart and an act of the will. The Greek word for faith is a verb which includes all three ideas.

For example, let’s take the commitment made at a marriage ceremony. A man might believe in his head that the woman he is marrying is beautiful. He might also trust in his heart that the emotion he feels for her is real. But, unless there is an act of the will in committing himself to her at that moment and for years to come, his belief and trust really mean very little. A woman would be foolish indeed if she would accept the proposal of a man who said he believed in her and had a heart affection for her, but he would rather live with her several years before he married her. She has nothing to gain by this and everything to lose. A man who believes and trusts always commits to action or else there is something wrong with his belief and his trust.

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