Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Bullet of Faith: The Great Leap

A great Presbyterian preacher, Louis Evans, tells of a little boy who heard his daddy working in a dark cellar at their northern home. It was pitch black but the boy could hear his father moving around the cellar. The father looked up and could see the form of his son framed in the doorway. To have fun with the boy he said, “Jump son, Daddy will catch you.” Now the little boy believed his daddy was down there because he heard him moving around. He heard him speak and trusted his daddy’s invitation that he would catch him because his daddy loved him. However, the only way to prove that he really believed and really trusted was to jump … to act!! The reason that church life and Christianity is so stale to thousands of people who claim to be following Jesus Christ is that they have never really jumped.

How about you? Only when you “bet your life” on what you say you believe and trust does faith really come alive! That’s why Jesus said, “Be it unto you, according to your faith.”

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