Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Bullet of Truth: Sources of Knowledge

Scripture seems to indicate three sources of knowledge. First are the lies of Satan; second, the fruit of human wisdom; and third, the truth of a living God. Only these three choices are open to us. They alone are the sources that feed the knowledge banks of our minds.

It is readily apparent why we become what we think. It’s because we can faith-act only in response to what we know … or think we know! These responses and reactions over a period of time mold our character, our contributions, our desires and our destinies.

A beginning pianist learns notes and music (knowledge). She practices vigorously (faith-acts) and becomes (in time) an accomplished musician. Or a discouraged teenager hears that drugs bring release and happiness. He faith-acts on this knowledge and in time becomes a powerless addict! Options are endless for good or bad as we faith-act on our knowledge and face the consequences in time. The more of Christ, Who is the truth of all truth, that I can fill my mind with the more my faith-acts cannot help but increase my conquering in the future!

But solid food (a maximum truth diet) is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:14 (NIV with my annotation)

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