Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Bullet of Human Nature: Victory!

If any of us are to know peace, joy and fulfillment we must stake our lives on the “only One” who truly understands us as we are, Jesus Christ. He loves us, knows our problems, died for us, was resurrected for us and offers us power to be overcomers.

The person who puts his confidence, worth, security and hopes in other people is doomed to despair. Other people … victims of the same disease that cripples us (sin) … either can’t understand or won’t understand. Even those who try to understand can offer only comfort and not power.

How do you handle it when people misunderstand your motives, criticize your actions, enjoy being your enemy, poison the minds of those who listen against you and refuse to forgive your mistakes? Only Christ has the answer.

First, admit to any and all that you need their forgiveness and that you make mistakes. Be honest. Second, constantly work at purifying your motives and actions with Christ as your teacher. Third, forgive others even if they attack you and won’t forgive you. Fourth, by His power, love everyone and leave the results to God! That’s the way our Lord told us to handle it. What fantastic truth!!

These things I have spoken to you in order that in Me you will have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

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