Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Bullet of Removing the Dross: Part 2

Hatred, bitterness, revenge, self-centeredness, lust, critical spirit, false values, greed, resentment, unforgiving spirit, hypocrisy, idolatry (fame, success, things) and low goals and values can all be categorized as the “wastes of life.”

Take hatred and an unforgiving spirit as an example. Hidden hatred can turn a likable lady into a suspicious carper. It can turn a warm, understanding man into a caustic cynic.

David Augsburger, the brilliant Mennonite author, has added, “Hatred corrodes a disposition, elevates blood pressure, upsets digestive works, ulcerates a stomach, brings on nervous breakdowns, and how about a coronary? Boiling inside is a form of slow suicide.”

The cost to incubate the waste of hatred will ruin a man’s health, lose his friends and make him powerless to lead his family. So it is with all the “soul wastes” of life.

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