Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Bullet of Meaning: Labels are a Shorthand to Meaning

All men and all things carry labels. The dictionary definition of a label is “something attached to show contents.” In other words, labels are attached to show truth, save time and make for better communication. But even labels have to be understood. If I asked you for your first thought when I said, “Buick,” what would it be? Buick is simply a label for a car made by General Motors in the middle to high price class. But the Buick label means something different to everyone. Most of us would think of a Buick we had owned (hardtop or station wagon, green or blue, etc.) or, perhaps, the nut who ran the stop sign last year and crunched in the side of your car (in his Buick)! The Buick label for me brings the immediate thought of the 1939 Buick in which I learned to drive in the late forties. (I guess that really dates me!)

Labels for cars, shoes, drinks, football teams, watches, etc., might tend to be confusing at times, but when one attempts labels in religion, it is a nightmare.
The labels of Methodist, Assembly of God, Baptist, Catholic, Church of Christ, Presbyterian, non-denominational, charismatic, Lutheran, Episcopalians, etc., mean very little until the contents of what a person really believes is examined. I know Presbyterians who believe like Pentecostals and Assembly of God folks who live and believe like Episcopalians. I have a friend who says, “We Methodists just believe in backsliding, but you Baptists practice it!” Frankly, I never thought I’d be a Baptist. I couldn’t stand them – or should I say, I didn’t care for the few I met who identified themselves! I attended Catholic parochial school as a child, was a member of the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) for ten years, joined the Presbyterian Church for seven years and graduated from Southern Methodist University (a Methodist school). My mother was raised in the Church of Christ and my dad was an Episcopalian. I’ve decided I’m either thoroughly confused or have a fantastic background. (I hope it’s the latter!)

In our next post, we will dig deeper into the meaning of religious labels.

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