Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Bullet of Authenticity: Focus on the Truth not the Lable

I recall a University student who came to my office for counseling about joining our church. He said his mother was hesitant because they had always been Methodists. I told him if God was leading him to be a part of our fellowship what difference does a label make? They are all “temporary” anyway. There are no man-made labels in Heaven.

If God would lead this young man to be a part of our church, he would give up nothing of what God gave him and taught him while a Methodist. Christ measures His truth to the hearts that seek, not to the labels we possess! At the same time, “taking the label” of the church I pastored would not guarantee a deeper walk with God.

There is a dynamic woman in our town who is a happily married mother. She wears the label of Catholic and possesses a joyous, rich, contagious faith in Jesus Christ. I wish I had “twelve” of her in my own church! What an asset she would be! She puts some Baptists I know to real shame! She is a prime example that there is no power in labels. God above gives power to those who love truth.

Real disciples see to it that every touch on another human life points forward to Christ and not backward to a label of the past. The mature are not misled by labels. They also taste the true wonder of heaven a little in advance!

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