Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Bullet of Leadership: Creativity

I continue to be challenged by the following excerpts from a great article. Please read, enjoy and take to heart these words from Christianity Today (10-24-1980), “Unlocking the Creative Dimension.”

All of us have had our creative ideas shot down. The leader who allows these experiences to lead to a cynical, pessimistic attitude is choosing to languish in self-pity and tedious routine. Perhaps only two out of ten creative ideas will blossom into workable programs.

You can forget about being creative if you can’t stand to make a mistake. Any organization must develop a high tolerance for failure. Failures are the necessary price we pay for good, successful, creative ideas!

Many churches (lives) are dead in the water, without power and drifting from crisis to boredom! All because of a lack of creative leadership!”

All of us who try to lead know the continual pressures of folks who say “it can’t be done” or “your motives are wrong” or “why not leave well enough alone.” Sometimes leaders feel as thought they are swimming in a sea of negativism and holding up one candle of optimism!

Those of us who know that the Creator created us to create cannot let the negativism of then non-creators stop us. Ultimately, the joy of the finished creation will overwhelm the wounds received from the critics.

The true Christian creator must learn the lesson of the turtle! Progress may be slow but none will ever be made unless you stick your neck out!!

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