Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Bullet of Godly Family Life: The American Family

The number one problem in America today – without question in my mind – is the lack of spiritual leadership in the home. If God designed the family, you’d think He could make it work! He could if men would listen and act out the role God has designed for them. God has designed the husband and father to be the priest and leader of his home. According to the New Testament, he is to act like Jesus Christ toward his wife and his children. A wife and mother, as well as children, can’t help living life to the fullest measure if one like Jesus is in their midst. The vast majority of men don’t live this way, and don’t even understand that they are supposed to! Hence, the tragic instability, drift, unhappiness, drudgery and purposelessness of much family life.

In a recent national survey two things that teenagers would change first in their father was 1) that he wouldn’t get so mad, and 2) that he would admit his mistakes. Another survey indicated that seventy percent of wives seeking psychological help feel that their husbands don’t listen to them when they talk! Conversation in so many homes center on trivia – what’s for dinner, take out the garbage, isn’t it hot today, etc. – and not on the realities that build deep abiding relationships.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I can really relate to this post, not only as it relates to my family life, but also my personal life and lack of interaction with friends.