Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Answer is ... Turn!

Is more knowledge the answer to man’s quest for peace, pardon, power and purpose? Decidedly not!

Giving people with spiritual vacuums just another fact or two is like rowing out and giving a drowning man one more drink of water (one of my favorite saying). People need more than facts … they need love and the assurance their lives are in harmony with reality. Only God … the AUTHOR of reality … can give that!

Incredible. Seventy-five percent of all the information available to mankind has been developed within the last two decades (20 years). Millions of pieces of information are created daily. The total amount is doubling every ten years. With seventy-two billion new pieces of information arriving yearly, how do you cope with it all? How do you gather it, edit it, disseminate it, store it and retrieve it?

Daniel 12:4 … But thou, Oh Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED.

The prophet Daniel indicated that one of the signs preceding the return of Christ to earth would be a vast knowledge explosion (“run to and fro” speaks of increased travel). Both are literally being fulfilled in our day!

Some people cry, LEARN … this is our salvation! But, although knowledge is part of our uniqueness as humans, learning itself is inadequate to quench man’s earnest spiritual thirst.

Some say BURN … tear everything down. Destroy the system. Get mad. To you know where with everything but me and what I want! Still it’s not enough!

Some say EARN … make money and it will buy you all you really seek. Nonsense! Many of the rich are the most miserable specimens of humanity. Many more waste their lives seeking riches. It’s a delusion.

The Bible says TURN … give up on your own wisdom, goals and way of doing things and let God in Jesus Christ take control of your life. Thousands of folks who had tried everything else say this is what worked … and works … for them.

Have you really turned your life from futility to reality? Why no experiment with a Christ-directed life?

This same prophet, Daniel, was really in despair and trembling about the world situation in the 6th century B.C. Everything was confusion and uncertain. But, though the world blew up around him, he found the peace that passes understanding by turning.

When we turn, God comes to us in a new way. He always answers a seeking heart. Don’t be afraid Daniel, for from the first day you set your heat to understand and humbled yourself before your God your words were heard and I have come because of your words (Daniel 10:12).

Exciting isn’t it? Why not try it?

1 comment:

TKB said...

Love it!