Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Bullet of Marriage: One Man and One Woman

Jesus Christ said, “A man should leave father and mother, cleave (be permanently faithful) to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. What God joins together let no man separate!” (Matthew 19:5-6).

Clearly, God’s major purpose with the sexes is for one man and one woman to become one. Two men can’t become one! Two women can’t become one! Ultimately, sex is but a symbol of “love unity” between a man and woman who have been given the capacity to create life in their own image. Homosexual or lesbian relationships can never create life.

One of the cutest expressions I’ve heard along this line is that if God had intended homosexuality to be right and to fulfill His intentions He would have put Adam and Bruce in the Garden of Eden rather than Adam and Eve!


Anonymous said...

Instead of saying Adam and Bruce, didn't you mean to say Adam and Steve? (referring to what the name of the other person would have been, had God intended for homosexuality to be right).

Dr. H.D. McCarty said...

Would scan better wouldn't it, RA