Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Bullet of Creative Circumstances: Problems are Practice
Part 3 of 4

Coaches and orchestra conductors work with their players to improve their performance where it is inadequate. So it is with our Heavenly Father. In His purpose to make us great human beings like His Son, “He works us where we are weak.” He uses our blindness and the weaknesses of others to put us into circumstances that will develop our strengths, make us tough minded and grow us into “overcomers.”

If you have trouble loving people, He’ll see to it you are surrounded by unlovable people! Christ loves us even when we are unlovable. If you are exceedingly impatient, He’ll put you into a situation where you have no choice but to be agonizingly patient! We need to be as patient with others as God is with us!

A student who keeps putting things off is assigned three tests in three different courses for the same day. His laziness rebels, but, if he would discipline himself, he could do it! God loves a disciplined life … Christ learned obedience through His pressures (Hebrews 5:8).

If you are highly critical of other people, the Father will probably put you in a leadership position where other people will cut your weaknesses to pieces. We need to understand people’s problems before we ever consider criticizing them. God doesn’t criticize us because He understands!

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