Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Bullet of Marriage: Building Something Larger (Part 3)

In every marriage both mates must go to the cross again and again for one another. Usually one mate will have to go to the cross more often because he or she is the stronger. Balance is rare! Marriage is the perfect object lesson on how Jesus Christ (the stronger) goes to the cross more often than you (the weaker) in your relationship with Him. Remember, the main object of marriage is not your happiness, but to discover the character of God!

It is the character of God alone to which humanity can look with hope. His character is that of divine love. Divine love always seeks to give itself to those in need. One of the greatest verses on marriage is Romans 15:1, “Those who are stronger should bear with those who are weak!” Thousands of marriages would still be together today if husbands and wives had believed that truth. It they had only discovered that their marriages’ first priority was to teach them about God, and not to satisfy themselves, they would have found happiness together.

If your marriage is losing its adventure perhaps you’ve missed the point of why the Father thought it up! It locks us in to loving another person like He loved us … unconditionally! Have you been to the cross for your mate lately?

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