Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Bullet of Forgiveness: Being a Little Child

Allow me to use my younger grandchildren for an illustration of an important truth. One morning in my devotions, I was rather depressed at the messy life that seemed to plague me. My past failures and future weaknesses looked bleak. As I “discussed this” with the Savior in prayer HE reminded me that I was His “little child.” My depression originated in my false assumptions about my supposed maturity. We may be 40, 50, 70 or 80 but when we are in the presence of the Heavenly Father we are all as a “little child!”

Little children act like little children. They mess up, don’t get it and play when they should think. Their happiest reality is the “world of pretend.” The sudden realization of all this came alive for me when I thought of my small grandchildren. The past for them holds no guilt and the future holds no fear. Their contentment is full when they are with their Poppy (that’s me!!) on one of our “Dates”! My presence makes their past and future secondary if not irrelevant. All that matters is our being together on some new adventure! So it is when I am truly “in the presence” of the Father. He is with me in “the now” and whatever we do together is secondary, although pleasing. Why let the past or future mess up the wonder of our present?

I am liberated from my goof-ups and sense of uselessness when I accept the fact I am the Lord’s “little child.” He loves and forgives me as I do my “little children.” He is with me and I find myself more alive because of it.

These simple thoughts constitute the ground of forgiveness. The inability to forgive crushes the ability to live. Until we truly see “the light of God” and accept our status as “little children” the explosive power of forgiveness will forever elude us. Forgiveness is the Father’s greatest word! Our “little children” are our greatest lesson on what forgiveness means!

Determine to live in His presence and to discover forgiveness … for God , for others, for yourself and for the church … then you will find all your heart has ever sought … just like a little child!

“Suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)
Pictuare Credit: Children Playing, RA Stites

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