Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Bullet of Peace: The Vision and Courage of the Peacemakers

In the Eighth Century B.C. Isaiah, the prince of the prophets, spoke of the death of Israel’s great leader, King Uzziah (Isaiah 6). Two thousand eight-hundred years later another great leader died not many miles away in Egypt, Anwar Sadat.

One leader died from natural causes and the other by assassination. All leaders die one way or another. Losing our great ones especially increases the pain to those who recognize our desperate need for principled leadership. President Sadat had risen to be a truly great leader and statesman. His assassination by the fools of hate and war grieved the world.

This Memorial Weekend just past is a reminder to remember this man as one of our outstanding examples of courage and vision. There have been too few like him. He stood against millions of Islamic Arabs when he personally went to Jerusalem to embrace the “enemy” called Israel! His winsome ways, his moderation, his humor and compassion, his frequent references to God’s will, all this and more endeared him to millions.

On his tombstone he said we could write the words, “He has lived for peace. He has died for principle.” So he did. Anwar Sadat was a military general who knew war but his higher vision led him to be one of the finest and most superb peacemakers of the Middle East.

King David’s words could summarize the life of this splendid leader. “I am for peace, but when I seek peace, they are for war” (Psalm 120:7). To look for peace alone is not enough. We must also be peacemakers! According to our Lord those are the ones who will be blessed (Mt. 5:9).

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