The following words appeared in a newsletter from Dr. Billy Graham ten years ago … in 1999! The reference to the computer crisis of 2000 is not a misprint. Hear the words of Billy Graham about man’s continual dilemmas:
In our world, we see mighty, cataclysmic possibilities as we approach the 21st century. Small wars are being fought, and some nations are assembling highly sophisticated armaments – including nuclear, germ and chemical weapons – for the next war. Millions of people live on the edge of starvation. Ethnic violence seems to be almost worldwide. Economically, America is in a boom era, but one feels the uncertainty caused by the financial crisis sweeping many other parts of the world. And people are fearful of what computers will do as January 1, 2000, nears.
In such a world, and under such conditions, the Word of God has a message to stabilize the hearts of all who put their trust in Him. When some calamity sweeps our foundations away, we should turn to the Word for light and help.
When will we learn that nothing ever really changes on this earth but people who become new creations in Christ? People are still worrying … and they always will … until they turn to the Light of the Word! The power of our overcoming is always in proportion to our love for the Living Word, Jesus … our knowledge of the written Word, Scripture … and our yieldedness to the implanted Word in us!
“Great peace have they who love the law … nothing shall make them stumble in confusion.” Psalm 119:165